Are there any grounds to suggest that if someone eats a food that is unhealthy for them that they should not recite a beracha, or should recite a different one than one typically would? There are many medical issues today … Continue reading
Category Archives: Halacha
The Beracha on Bourekas and Knishes
Most people assume that bourekas and knishes are mezonos, but it seems that this is not so simple. In fact, there are many different factors involved relating to the proper beracha on bourekas and knishes. In the following paragraphs we … Continue reading
The Quantity of Pas Haba’ah b’Kisnin Required for Hamotzi
As an introduction, pas haba’ah b’kisnin refers to baked pastries which are generally consumed as a snack and not as the staple of the meal the way bread is. Classic examples of pas haba’ah b’kisnin would be cake, cookies, pie … Continue reading
Lighting Shabbos Candles
While the mitzvah of hadlakas neiros Shabbos may often appear to be straightforward, there are actually quite a number of common and complicated sheilos that arise. For example: If I am a guest at a simcha and sleep in an … Continue reading
Getting the Question Right
The first step in answering a Sheila accurately, is understanding the question properly. Comprehensive knowledge of the Halacha alone is insufficient, as the Sheila as phrased will likely not fit neatly into the words of the Pri Megadim. Sometimes, a little … Continue reading
Keneidalach on Erev Shabbos Chazon
I was asked last week if one may serve their children Kneidelach this past Friday afternoon. First of all, while the Mishna Berura writes that even young children should not be fed Fleishigs during the 9 days; the Magen Avraham permits … Continue reading
When to Eat Milchigs on Shavuos
Shavuos approaches, and as with every Yom Tov food is an integral part of the day. The most well-known food related Minhag on Shavuos is eating Milchigs. However, there are a number of various customs relating to when is best to indulge in the cheese … Continue reading
A Bar Mitzva Bachur Counting Sefira-Chaim Elya’s Bar Mitzva Drasha
Can a boy who becomes Bar Mitzva in the middle of Sefiras HaOmer continue counting the Omer with a Beracha? Tosafos in Menachos 66a quotes the Bahag that if someone missed counting a day of Sefiras HaOmer altogether, he can no longer … Continue reading
Halachos of the Seder
As Pesach itself rapidly approaches, let’s discuss some Halachos relevant the Seder night itself. While the primary focus of the Seder is the retelling of the story of Yetzias Mitzraim and bringing it to life, there are a number of technical Mitzvos … Continue reading
Kashering for Pesach
One important step in preparing for Pesach is Kashering. Once this was a much more significant portion of the preparations, but fortunately today’s society is much more affluent than in previous days, and most people have separate objects set aside … Continue reading