Chazal inform us that the primary cause for the destruction of the second Beis HaMikdash was Sinas Chinam. In this context, the Gemara in Gitin famously ascribes partial blame to the story of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza. I think most of us are familiar with … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: July 2012
Havdala when Tisha b’Av is Delayed
For the first time in 14 years, Tisha b’Av falls out on a Shabbos this week, and the fast is delayed until Sunday. Since a proper Havdala on a cup of wine cannot be recited on Motzei Shabbos due to the fast, the relevant … Continue reading
Microwave Ovens
I promised a follow-up to my previous article addressing ovens, that would deal with the similar issues as they relate to a microwave oven. It is very common that one works in an office where there is a communal microwave … Continue reading
Cutting Nails
Question: Is it permissible to get a manicure/pedicure before Shabbat during the three weeks (not the nine days) Answer: One may even cut finger and toe nails during the 9 days when done l’kavod Shabbos. However, it seems to me … Continue reading
Parshas Maasei
This week’s Parsha, Maasei, lists the various stops that Jewish People made in their 40 year sojourn in the desert. Rashi explains that while there may appear to be an impressive list of locations that would imply constant wandering, the … Continue reading
Women Shaving
Question: Is a single woman allowed to shave her legs in the three weeks? Nine days? (In a different response, you said it was permissible for a married woman.) Answer: If she is at the age where appearing unkempt and … Continue reading
Using an Oven for Meat and Dairy, or a non-Kosher Oven
In the Kollel recently, we learned the Halachos relating to the Kashrus issues of Zei’a, steam. One of the most practical applications of this issue is the propriety of using a single oven for meat and dairy. The main potential … Continue reading
A Kohen Who Killed
Question: It says in Shulchan Aruch that a Kohen who has killed may not duchen. Would a Cohen who served in the army and killed in the line of duty be disqualified from Birkas Kohanim? And what if he mistakenly … Continue reading
Exercise During the Three Weeks
Question: is it O.K. to go to gym classes in the 3 weeks till after 9 b’Av, some classes have music on? Answer: One may attend gym classes in the 3 weeks even if there will be background music, because … Continue reading
The Three Weeks
Question: What are the laws about buying things (clothes, etc) during the 3 weeks. Is there any distinction between buying and wearing? What about if something is on an amazing sale does that make a difference or is it not … Continue reading