Tomorrow is the Fast of Asara b’Teves. This Ta’anis is different than the others in certain aspects. The other three fasts, 17th of Tammuz, 9th of Av and Tzom Gedalia all commemorate events that revolve around the destruction of the Second Beis HaMikdash. … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: December 2012
Onions in a Food Processor
A commonly asked question relates to an onion cut with a Fleishig knife and then placed in the food processor. Does it render the appliance Fleishig itself that one could no longer chop an onion in it to place in … Continue reading
Chanuka and Learning Torah
In the Al HaNissim insertion to Shmona Esrei and Birkas HaMazon, we mention that the Greeks attempted to cause us to forget the Torah. How can a person cause someone else to forget? Could they induce amnesia, and how? If this attempt to make … Continue reading